Our Features

/Our Features
Our Features 2018-01-18T07:20:07-06:00
Gypsy - Customer List
Customer management
Define your customer easily;
List them;
Keep their inventory for them;
Automatic customer schedule emailing
Send automatically incoming calibration time for their gages
Gypsy - Quotation List
Prepare your quotations with just few clicks. Literally …
Select customer = 1 Click
Select product = 1 Click
Approve the quote = 1 Click
Send the quote via email = 1 Click
Gypsy - Work Order List
Work orders from quotation
Create work orders for each item in the quotation automatically
Call previous gage data
Follow calibration status of all gages in each quotation
Subcontractor management
Previous measurement storage
Gypsy - Web Interface
Online customer inventory
Gypsy - Calibration Result Entry
Procedure selection
Reference gages management
Daily live calibration schedules
Certification has never been easier
See previous data and enter new measurements
Each certificate is prepared and numbered automatically according to the definition of the product and your accreditability status
Gypsy - Quotation Closure
Work closure
Complete all calibrations.
Invoice the final revised quotation.
Transfer invoice data to your accounting system and match products and customers automatically.
Data transfer
Gypsy - Product List
Product, Laboratory, User, Calibration Method management
Standard and Extended reports
Get instant feedback from your business
Do not spend days to create reports from your work orders.
Use our predefined reports
Get your product, laboratory, sales and calibration technician performance reports with just one click…
Automatic email server