Privacy Policy

/Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy 2018-01-18T05:26:24-06:00


Your privacy is very important to us. As May Automation, we are committed to assure the privacy of your personal and company information. The following outlines our privacy policy, you may find the details of the data that we collect about you and how and on what purpose we use it. If you have any questions about our privacy practices, please submit your queries to Customer Care

■ When you visit our web pages, the web server automatically recognizes and records the following information for each page visited.
▪ Date and time
▪ Domain name and IP address
▪ Browser type
▪ Referring domain (if any)
▪ Operating System
■ When you visit our web pages, no additional data is collected and you remain anonymous.
■ If you choose to download software or other files, this download information is linked with your gathered data and recorded.
■ If you sign up for the Gypsy Newsletter, you will be asked for your name, email address, title and company information. Newsletters are generally infrequent
■ To order a product or to communicate with us, it is necessary for you to disclose personal or company information. We collect only the information that you write to us, such as email address, company name, billing, information, etc.
■ All gathered data will not be given to any person or company, for any reason, at any time. This information is used for the sole purpose of improving our web sites to be able to give you a better web experience
■ We will protect personal information by reasonable security safeguards against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.